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Gospel Enterprises, Inc., dba The Anchorage, is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian organization. It is neither operated by nor associated with any local church or denomination.

It is, therefore, the policy of the operating board of The Anchorage to maintain practices that:

  1. Are in accordance with the Statement of Faith of this organization.

  2. Do not interfere with the legitimate function or teachings of the local assemblies this organization serves. Implement strategies which have proven through years of experience to maximize the effectiveness of this ministry in accomplishing its purpose, subject to the Statement of Faith.

    1. It is not a desired end of The Anchorage to disrupt the unity of or generate confusion within any local assembly through any of the programs or associations provided.

    2. The Anchorage, however, cannot sanction any teachings by any local assembly or its representatives that are contradictory to the Statement of Faith.



Within a relaxing, personal, camp setting, The Anchorage exists to glorify God by encouraging spiritual growth through proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ, developing edifying relationships, and promoting Christlike service.



  1. Bible Versions: There are many versions of Scripture available in the English language. To avoid confusion and promote consistency of communication The Anchorage will use the Authorized Version (KJV) in all public forums.

  2. Dress Standards: The Anchorage has established a minimum dress code for both boys and girls. It is not the policy of this organization to make exceptions to this dress code. BOYS—For daily activities, tank tops are not permitted and shorts must be approximately knee length; collared shirts and long pants are required for the evening services. GIRLS—All clothing worn for daily activities must be approximately knee length, be loose fitting, and have sleeves; swimsuits must be modest and one-piece; skirts or dresses of approximate knee length are required for the evening services.

  3. Theological Controversies: There are a great variety of Theological viewpoints that define different organizations, denominations, groups, and individuals. Many of these viewpoints have been hotly debated in Christendom for many years Reformed theology, Arminian theology, Full Gospel theology, Pentecostalism, and Charismatic Theology to name a few.

    • The Anchorage does not promote, and will generally seek to avoid the promotion of, any specific theological viewpoint the tenets of which are not addressed in the Statement of Faith.

    • The Anchorage does not criticize, and will generally seek to avoid the criticism of, any specific theological viewpoint the tenets of which are not specifically addressed in the Statement of Faith.

    • Theological positions contrary to any part of the Statement of Faith will not be granted positive influence or favorable presentation through any of the programs of The Anchorage.

  4. Music: There is a wide range of musical viewpoints and tastes relating to both the Christian and secular realm. Without attempting to establish a definition of right and wrong, but in order to prevent confusion and to provide consistency in all phases of the program, The Anchorage provides and permits only what is considered traditional Christian music as part of the service programs, and conservative secular music for skating and fun-time activities.

    • Styles/Instrumentation: For service music The Anchorage does not use electronic instrumentation, does not employ the use of drums, and does not use any pre-recorded accompaniment.

      • Service music: any number of hymns and other Gospel songs that would not be considered part of the genres commonly recognized as “Contemporary Christian Music,” “Praise and Worship,” or “Southern Gospel.”

      • Skating music: conservative in style, generic in association, instrumental only.

    • Note: Instrumentation such as piano, guitar, mandolin and other stringed instruments, brass, woodwind, or similar is encouraged so long as it is used in an appropriate and tasteful manner.

  5. Rules of Conduct: The Anchorage has established reasonable rules of conduct to protect the safety of the participants, promote the efficient operation of the program, and provide a strong moral environment. These guidelines are expected to be followed, and reasonable measures will be employed to assure compliance.

  6. About the LGBTQ+ adherents and movement: Believing that Scripture is clear in its definition of gender—“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them [Gen. 1:27]”—and that its presentation and protection of gender identification, purposes, roles, and practices has been settled from creation and through Divine inspiration; that “male” or “female” is determined at conception, is strictly biologically defined, and is not subject to re-definition (even via re-assignment processes), Gospel Enterprises, Inc., will in no wise and under no conditions tolerate, accommodate, or promote activities or theories that contradict these scriptural or biological determinations. Lifestyle requests and/or activities that may influence camp participants to accommodate, tolerate, or promote the LGBTQ+ agenda or other sexual immorality (as scripturally defined), including but not limited to attire, arrangements for housing, sleeping, bathroom/shower accommodations, or similar will neither be granted nor tolerated.


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The Anchorage 

412 Lakeshore Dr.

PO Box 126

Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450




© Anchorage Christian Camp

Web Design by: BRIMdesign

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