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The Anchorage Basketball League (ABL) is a youth basketball program for kids in K5-7th grade. 


The mission of the ABL is for each player:

to have a safe, fun place to play,

to learn the skills of basketball, and

to learn and practice character for life.

Each player is placed on a team by divisions: Div 1–grades K-1, Div 2–grades 2-3, Div 3–grades 4-5, and Div 4–grades 6-7. Each team has a one-hour practice every week and one game every Saturday. Devotions are given during every practice and every game. The players are given a different verse from the lesson to memorize throughout each week.

Keep an eye out here for other important announcements!

2021 Update:

With all that is going on with the COVID-19 pandemic, transitions here at the camp, and the restrictions being placed on us by the powers that be, after much careful consideration, we have come to the conclusion that it is not feasible to have the Anchorage Basketball League season this coming year. We are looking hopefully to the future of the league and will keep the community informed about plans for 2022.


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The Anchorage 

412 Lakeshore Dr.

PO Box 126

Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450



© Anchorage Christian Camp

Web Design by: BRIMdesign

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